
Ahoy, Seadog!

Collect as many coins as you can and bring them to your ship. No holds barred. Are you a brave fighter, a tactful player or a delicate parliamentary? It's all in your hands. Gold - it's all that matters!

Go off on a fascinating journey towards teeming treasures!

For now, it is only possible to play 1 on 1 or 1 against 3 players. More options are coming! Look out for news updates!

Before you start, make sure to learn the rules

Shiver me timbers! Just look at what's going on here! Real seadogs can read!

All news

Tips on game

Dear Friends,

Beta testing is still running. Thank you very much for helping us locating a few bugs, now they are fixed.

We are also happy to announce another great news - we have worked on
tips and included them in the game.

From now on there is no need to read the rules, you will see the
guidelines right in the game.

We hope that these new improvements will be useful for you and your friends.